Main page


World weather

World weather: temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind

This global webpage include weather observations, weather forcasts and climate information

BBC world weather, climate change

USA weather, storm forecasts, tornado warnings

UK weather and world weather

World weather

World weather, forecasts, weather cams

World climate

World weather, news weather forecasts, rain falls,
temperature, catastrophies

International weather forecast

Intellicast's wide weather service

Nasa catalog pictures and animations


World timezones

World timezone map (large map!)


Country calling codes

World's calling codes


Web cameras in the world

Web cameras; North-America, Europe, Asia, Australia,
South-America, Africa, Middle-East, cities, mountains, bridges,
traffic, airports, webtv

Cities weather webcams and maps

ABC web cams

Over 1000 web cameras all over the world

World's weather cameras, hurricanes, radars, storm warnings,
Europe's lightning radar, earthquakes

Web cameras from USA and all over the world


Earth satellites


Web cameras ski resorts


This page has 3751 web cameras from ski resorts , 45 all over the world, and over 2500 cameras are in Europe

Skiing centers
Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Norway
Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland

Web cameras Austria's ski resorts

Japan's ski and snowboard resorts

New Zealand's ski and snowboard resorts


News videos


CNN news

Fox news

ABC news

Jerusalem online