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When did the dinosaurs live?





As far as the dinosaurs are concerned, it is believed that these large animals cannot have lived in the immediate past, at the same time as humans. Instead, it has been suggested that they lived approximately 200–65 million years ago, until they suddenly became extinct. Usually, the extinction is thought to have been caused by a meteorite. (Size is relative: if we compare the current blue whale to the dinosaurs, we find the whale much bigger than the dinosaurs. It is considered to be the largest animal ever. A blue whale weighs about 130 tons, while the largest dinosaurs weighed only 70 tons, so the whale is almost double the size of the dinosaurs. If people were to find the skeleton of a blue whale today and the species had already become extinct, would we deem it as old as the dinosaurs? Possibly.)

   However, there are several pieces of evidence proving that the dinosaurs did not live on the Earth very long ago. Several pieces of evidence seem to suggest that they lived only some millennia ago, not millions of years ago. Next, we will study these pieces of evidence:


Stories. One piece of evidence suggesting that the dinosaurs lived in the immediate past are the many stories and descriptions of large dragons and pterosaurs. These descriptions – that may be based on old traditions – can be found in many different nations: they are mentioned in English, Irish, Danish, Norwegian, German, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Babylonian literature. The World Book Encyclopedia (Vol. 5, 1973, p. 265) describes these stories:


The dragons in legends are, strangely enough, just like real animals that lived in the past. They resemble large reptiles (dinosaurs) that ruled the land long before man is supposed to have appeared. Dragons were generally regarded as bad and destructive. Each nation referred to them in their mythology.


The following observations can also be mentioned:

- Marco Polo told about enormous animals he saw in India and that were regarded as gods.

- Descriptions and stories about dragons are very ordinary in China. For example, in a Chinese story a man called Yu faced dragons as he drained swamps. This happened after a large world-wide flood.

- Egyptians have portrayed the dragon Apophis as an enemy of their King Re. Similarly, descriptions of dragons can be found in Babylonian literature. For example, the well-known Gilgamesh is said to have to slain a dragon.

- Greek Apollon is said to have killed a Python dragon at the Fountain of Delphin. The most notable dragon killer in the myths of the ancient Greek and Romans was a man called Perseus.


- Descriptions of flying snakes in Arabia by Greek Herodotos (ca. 484–425 B.C.) have been preserved. He quite aptly describes some pterosaurs. (Rein, E., The III-VI Book of Herodotos , p. 58 and Book VII-IX , p. 239, WSOY, 1910)


- History Animalium mentions that there still were "dragons" in the 1500s, but that they had diminished considerably in size and were rare.


- Italian scientist Ulysses Aldrovanus has accurately described a small dragon in one of his publications.


- Dinosaurs and dragons are a part of the folklore of many nations. In addition to China, this has been common among the nations of South America.


Also Johannes Damascene, the last of the Greek church festivals, who was born in 676 A.D., tells about dragons (The Works of St. John Damascene, Martis Publishing House, Moscow, 1997) in the following way:


Roman Dio Cassius (155–236 A.D.), who wrote the history of the Roman empire and republic, depicts the fights of Roman consul Regulus in Carthage. A dragon was slained in the battle. It was skinned and the skin was sent to the Senate. By order of the Senate, the skin was measured, and it was 120 feet in length (ca. 37 meters). The skin was kept in a temple on the hills of Rome up to the year 133 B.C., when it disappeared as the Celts occupied Rome. (Plinius, Natural History. Book 8, Chapter 14. Plinius himself says to have seen the trophy in question in Rome). (37)


In the Bible, the Book of Job, Behemoth, and Leviathan seem to refer to dinosaurs. As for Behemoth, it is said that it had a tail like a cedar (in no way can this refer to a hippo, for example), close-knit sinews and bones like tubes of brass. As far as the cedar tail that the creature stretches out is concerned, it is worthwhile to note that no great animal is known nowadays whose tail would fitted this description. However, this could well describe a dinosaur. Also, its whereabouts among the reeds in the marsh fits the dinosaurs, because many of them lived near shores:


- (Job 40:15-23) "Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.

16. What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly!

17. His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit.

18. His bones are tubes of bronze,  his limbs like rods of iron.
19. He ranks first among the works of God, yet his Maker can approach him with his sword.

20. The hills bring him their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.

21. Under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.

22. The lotuses conceal him in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround him.

23. When the river rages, he is not alarmed; he is secure, though the Jordan should surge against his mouth.


Leviathan is another interesting creature mentioned in the Book of Job. This creature is said to be the king of animals and it is described how it spews fire out of its mouth. (The so-called bomber beetle that can spew hot – 100 degrees Celsius – gas directly on an attacker, is known in the animal kingdom). It is possible that many stories about dragons that can blow fire from their mouths stem from this. The following description is mentioned in the Book of Job:


(Job 41:1,2,9,13-34) “Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope?

2. Can you put a cord through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook?

9. Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering.

13. Who can strip off his outer coat? Who would approach him with a bridle?

14. Who dares open the doors of his mouth, ringed about with his fearsome teeth?

15. His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together;

16. each is so close to the next that no air can pass between.

17. They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted.

18. His snorting throws out flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of dawn.

19. Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out.

20. Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.

21. His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth.

22. Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him.

23. The folds of his flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable.

24. His chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone.

25. When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing.

26. The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.
27. Iron he treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood.

28. Arrows do not make him flee; slingstones are like chaff to him.

29. A club seems to him but a piece of straw; he laughs at the rattling of the lance.

30. His undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing-sledge.

31. He makes the depths churn like a boiling cauldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.

32. Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think the deep had white hair.

33. Nothing on earth is his equal- a creature without fear.

34. He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud."


Drawings. One piece of evidence showing that the dinosaurs and humans have lived on the Earth at the same time are drawings, paintings, and statues of dinosaurs. They are found in almost every culture and religion, and stories of them are also common.

   It is also interesting that there are drawings of these animals even on walls of caves and canyons. Such findings have been made at least in Arizona and near the former Rhodesia (Wysong. R.L., The Creation-evolution controversy, pp. 378, 380). For example in Arizona in 1924, while studying a high mountain wall, it was noted that pictures of different animals had been carved on the stone, such as elephants and steenboks, but also an obvious picture of a dinosaur (Gulbrandsen Thoralf: Puuttuva rengas [Jakten på apemennesket],1957, p. 91). This indicates that humans and the said animals must have lived simultaneously on the Earth. (Above, we spoke about an ancient Maya relief, in which a bird that resembles an Archaeopteryx or the lizard bird was depicted. According to an evolutionary view, this bird should have lived at the same time as the dinosaurs.)

   Also, evidence of the pterosaurs whose wingspan may have been more than 15 meters and are believed to have become extinct tens of millions of years ago has been preserved. The description below refers to these creatures and how drawings of them have appeared even on pottery:


The largest of the flying lizards was the pterosaur whose wingspan may have been more than 17 meters. (…) In the Bbc Wildlife Magazine (3/1995, Vol. 13), Richard Greenwell speculated about the existence of the pterosaur today. He quotes research A. Hyatt Verrill, referring to some Peruvian pottery he found. A lizard very much like the pterodactyl was depicted on the pottery.

   Verrill thinks that the artists have used fossils as their models and writes:


For centuries, accurate descriptions and even drawings of the pterodactyl fossils have been passed over from one generation to another, as the forefathers of the Cocle people lived in a country where there were well preserved remains of the pterosaurs.


Also, the North American Indians were familiar with the thunderbird, whose name was borrowed for a make of car as well. (38)


Bones of dinosaurs amidst mammal bones. One indication of the dinosaurs having lived not too long ago is that their bones have been discovered among bones that resemble those of horses, cows, and sheep (Anderson, A., Tourism falls victim to tyrannosaurus, Nature, 1989, 338, 289 / Dinosaurs may have died quietly after all, 1984, New Scientist, 104, 9.). Generally, it has been assumed that such findings cannot even be possible, because mammals are thought to have appeared on the Earth after the dinosaurs became extinct. However, these findings refer to their simultaneous existence. The fact that such findings have been made is only an indication of  the fact that the geological chart and the long periods of time are often based on an uncertain ground and, in fact, are not true at all. The dinosaurs and mammals may well have lived at the same time on the Earth.


Fossils in good condition. As comes to the dinosaur fossils found, one remarkable thing is that several of them are in good condition. Not only dilapidated fossils have been found, but also whole skeletons, preserved soft tissues, non-fossilized bones and skin! (Similar findings of mammoths have also been made – mammoths are thought to have lived much closer in the past.) A good example of this is an almost perfect dinosaur fossil that was uncovered in a limestone layer in Pietraroia, South Italy, and was considered to be 110 million years old according to the theory of evolution, but whose liver, intestines, muscle, and cartilage tissues were still there. A surprising detail in this finding was a preserved intestine that still included muscular tissue. According to the researchers, the intestine looked as if it had just been cut! (tree, August 1998, Vol. 13, issue 8, pp. 303–304)
As far as the dinosaur bone findings are concerned, one should note that several of their bones are still non-fossilized and contain exactly the same ingredients as fresh bones. This is strange, because the bones should be tens of millions of years old. These kinds of bone findings indicate that the theories of the dinosaur fossils being millions of years old are disputable. In reality, they have to be only some thousands of years old:


C. Barreto has examined bones of young dinosaurs with his work group (Science, 262: 2020–2023). It is interesting to note that the examined bones that are – according to the theory of evolution –  assumed to be 72–84 million years old have still not been fossilized. Their calcium and phosphorus contents are the same as those of current bones. The original publication reveals the well preserved microscopic details of the bones.

   (…) Dinosaur bones have also been found in Alaska (Journal of Paleontology (1987), Vol. 61, No 1, pp. 198–200):


An even more impressive example was found on the north coast of Alaska, where thousands of bones were almost completely non-fossilized. The bones looked and seemed like the old bones of a cow. The discoverers did not report their finding for twenty years, because they assumed that they were bones of buffalos, not dinosaurs.

   How could it be possible for the bones to be preserved for more than 65 million years? The cold would not have helped, because during the time of the dinosaurs, the climate was warm and the decomposing activity of microbes would have destroyed the bones. Fresh-looking dinosaur bones have been uncovered. Is it very difficult to understand how they could have been preserved in such a good condition for even one million years. (39)


Blood cells, protein, and DNA. Another remarkable observation is that it has been possible to separate the remains of blood cells, protein, and DNA from dinosaur fossils. The extraordinary thing with this is that these materials should not have been preserved in nature more than about 50,000 years, not to mention millions of years. It is a question of quite similar finds to appear of radiocarbon in fossils of the Cambrian strata. Any of this materials, radiocarbon, blood cells, protein and DNA should not appear, if it were a question of fossils and strata, of which age is millions of years.
The fact that these findings keep on being made only indicates that the dinosaurs cannot be as old as supposed. Rather, this and other observations suggest that they lived on the Earth only some thousands of years ago, and that the Cambrian period was in the immediate past. There is not any other possibility:

If the observations regarding proteins, such as albumin, collagen, osteocalcin, and DNA, that have been separated from dinosaur bones are true – and we have no reason to doubt the researchers' carefulness – the bones must (based on these results) date back to 40,000–50,000 years at most, as this is the highest possible preserving time in nature for such materials. This paradoxical situation highlights the problems that often arise in top-notch research. Decisions that may shake the very ground under the “millions of years” required by evolution are not published, because people are afraid of their funding coming to an end and being mocked by the science community. (40)


The next quote also refers to blood cells found in dinosaur fossils. These findings would not be possible if the dinosaurs really became extinct 65 million years ago. The red blood cells should have disappeared from their bones ages ago. Findings like these indicate clearly that the geological time chart and the leading fossil method are fully wrong. We do not need to trust in them, because so many observations refer to short periods:


When Mary Schweitzer was five years old, she announced that she would become a dinosaur researcher. Her dream came true, and at the age of 38, she was able to study an almost perfectly preserved skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, found in Montana in 1998 (Journal of American Medical Association, 17 Nov. 1993, Vol. 270, No 19, pp. 2376–2377). The age of the skeleton was estimated at "80 million years." As many as 90% of the bones were found and they were still intact. Schweitzer specializes in tissue research and calls herself a molecular paleontologist. She selected the thighbones and shinbones of the finding and decided to examine the bone marrow. Schweitzer observed that the bone marrow had not been fossilized and that it had been unbelievably well preserved. The bone was completely organic and extremely well preserved. Schweitzer studied it with a microscope and noticed curious structures. They were small and circular and had a nucleus, just like the red blood cells in a vein. But the blood cells should have disappeared from the dinosaur bones ages ago. "I got goose pimples, it was as if I was studying a modern bone sample,” says Schweitzer. "Naturally, I was unable to believe what I saw and I told the laboratory technician: “These bones are 65 million years old, how can the blood cells have been preserved for so long?” (Science, July 1993, Vol. 261, pp. 160–163). What is significant with this finding is that not all of the bones had been completely fossilized. Gayle Callis, a specialist researcher of bones, showed the bone samples in a scientific meeting where a pathologist incidentally saw them. The pathologist remarked, "Did you know that there are blood cells in this bone?"  This lead to a remarkable thriller. Mary Schweitzer showed the sample to Jack Horner, a famous researcher of dinosaurs, who looked at the sample and said, "So you think that there are blood cells in it?", to which Schweitzer replied, "No, I don't."  "Well then, just try and prove that they are not blood cells,” Horner replied (earth, 1997, June: 55–57, Schweitzer et al., The Real Jurassic Park). Jack Horner presumes that the bones are so thick that water and oxygen have been unable to affect them. (41)








1. Nicolson Iain and Patriot Moore, Tieteen maailma: aurinkokunta, p. 69, the original work: The Solar System

2. Pekka Reinikainen: Unohdettu Genesis, p. 382

3. Kimmo Pälikkö / Markku Särelä: Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan, p. 86,87

4. Nicolson Iain and Patriot Moore, Tieteen maailma: aurinkokunta, p. 89, the original work: The Solar System

5. Kimmo Pälikkö / Markku Särelä: Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan, p. 91

6. Larry Vardiman: The Age of the Earth’s Atmosphere: A Study of the Helium Flux through the Atmosphere (San Diego: Institute for Creation Research, 1990), 28.

7. Marvin L. Lubenow: Myytti apinaihmisestä (Bones of Contention), p. 245,246

8. Kimmo Pälikkö / Markku Särelä: Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan, p. 144,145

9. Science, 3.3.1961, p. 624 - Cit. in: Onko ihminen kehityksen vai luomisen tulos, Jeh. vitn.

10. P.J. Wiseman, New Discoveries in Babylonia About Genesis, 1949, p. 28. Cit. in: Onko ihminen kehityksen vai luomisen tulos, Jeh. vitn.

11. Hermann Schneider’s writing, Marvin L. Lubenow: Myytti apinaihmisestä (Bones of Contention), p. 300,308,309

12. Naeser, Hurford, Gleadow, a reader’s letter, Nature 267 (16. kesäkuuta 1977): 649

13. Marvin L. Lubenow: Myytti apinaihmisestä (Bones of Contention), p. 293

14. Pekka Reinikainen: Unohdettu Genesis, p. 82

15. Andrew A. Snelling: Radioaktiivisen iänmäärityksen epäonnistuminen, Luominen-magazine nro 3, p. 34,35

16. Kimmo Pälikkö ja Markku Särelä: Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan, p. 102

17. Sylvia Baker: Kehitysoppi ja Raamatun arvovalta, edited in Finnish by Pekka Reinikainen, p. 104,105

18. Pekka Reinikainen: Dinosaurusten arvoitus ja Raamattu, p. 111

19. Uuras Saarnivaara: Voiko Raamattuun luottaa?, p. 134

20. Uuras Saarnivaara: Kaikkeuden synty, p. 122

21. Pekka Reinikainen: Dinosaurusten arvoitus ja Raamattu, p. 103

22. Uuras Saarnivaara: Kaikkeuden synty, p. 125

23. John Baumgardner, ”Carbon Dating Undercuts Evolution’s Long Ages”, Impact Article nro 364 (San Diego: Institute for Creation Research, lokakuu 2003):ii.

24. same

25. Marvin L. Lubenow: Myytti apinaihmisestä (Bones of Contention), p.244, 245

26. A.M. Rehwinkel: The Flood, Saint Louis, Mo. 1951, p. 265 - Cit. in Kehitysoppi ja uskon kriisi" by Wiljam Aittala, p. 36

27. Thoralf Gulbrandsen: Puuttuva rengas, p. 80

28. Cit. in: Kaikkeuden synty, Uuras Saarnivaara, p. 60,61.

29. Toivo Seljavaara: Oliko vedenpaisumus ja Nooan arkki mahdollinen, p. 28.

30. Sylvia Baker: Kehitysoppi ja Raamatun arvovalta, p. 121, edited in Finnish by Pekka Reinikainen

31. Kimmo Pälikkö ja Markku Särelä: Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan, p. 124,125

32. Pekka Reinikainen: Unohdettu Genesis, p. 87,88

33. Kimmo Pälikkö ja Markku Särelä: Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan, p. 116 – 119

34. Scott M. Huse: Evoluution romahdus [The Collapse of Evolution], p. 25

35. Nils Edelman: Viisaita ja veijareita geologian maailmassa, p. 55,237,238

36. Pekka Reinikainen: Unohdettu Genesis, p. 173, 184

37. Cit. in: Pekka Reinikainen, Dinosaurusten arvoitus ja Raamattu, p. 47

38. Pekka Reinikainen: Dinosaurusten arvoitus ja Raamattu, p. 90

39. Same, p. 63,64

40. Same, p. 111

41. Same, p. 114,115





- Aittala Wiljam, Kehitysoppi ja uskon kriisi

- Baker Sylvia, Kehitysoppi ja Raamatun arvovalta, edited in Finnish by Pekka Reinikainen

- Coffin Harold G., Tiede ja luominen (CREATION, THE EVIDENCE FROM SCIENCE / THESE TIMES, January 1971)

- Edelman, Nils, Viisaita ja veijareita geologian maailmassa

- Elämä maan päällä - kehityksen vai luomisen tulos, Jeh. witnesses

- Gulbrandsen Thoralf, Puuttuva rengas (jakten på apemennesket)

- Huse Scott M., Evoluution romahdus (THE COLLAPSE OF EVOLUTION)

- Lubenow, Marvin L.: Myytti apinaihmisestä (Bones of Contention)

- Onko ihminen kehityksen vai luomisen tulos?, Jeh. witnesses

- Pälikkö Kimmo and Markku Särelä, Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan

- Reinikainen Pekka, - Dinosaurusten arvoitus ja Raamattu

                                      -Unohdettu genesis

- Saarinvaara Uuras, -Voiko Raamattuun luottaa?

                                         -Kaikkeuden synty

- Seljavaara Toivo, Oliko vedenpaisumus ja Nooan arkki mahdollinen?

- Tuuliranta Mikko, Evoluutio - tieteen harha-askel

- Watson David C.C., Elämän synty (THE GREAT BRAIN ROBBERY)







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