






Grab to eternal life!














Jesus is the way,
 the truth, and the life



Chapter 1 -

Marks in space





Regarding the age of the Earth and the universe, it is often estimated that they are very old – at least 4.5–15 billion years old. In other words, it is assumed that they came into existence somewhere around that time, and nothing refers to the universe being young. Interestingly enough, the view of the old age of the universe and the Earth spread simultaneously with the theory of evolution. As Darwin’s theory gained ground, people began to believe the universe to be older and older because it was believed that evolution takes time.

   We may ask, however, is this idea true? Are the Earth and the universe as old as claimed?

   Below, we are going to study the supposed old age and consider whether or not the idea stands on solid ground. We are going to study this issue mainly from the point of view, what the marks in near space indicate. The subjects of the chapter are:


- Drawing away of the Moon

- Contraction of the Sun

- Space dust on the surface of the Moon and the Earth

- The age of the comets

- Weakening of the Earth's magnetic field

- Helium in the atmosphere


Drawing away of the Moon


Firstly, the Moon’s drawing away from the Earth is an issue that does not support the idea of billions of years. It has been discovered that every year, the Moon’s distance from the Earth increases by about 4.5 centimeters (1.7 inches) (science magazine Tieteen kuvalehti 5 / 1991). The reason for this should mainly be the tide phenomenon on Earth.

   In addition to this, it has been calculated that the withdrawal speed of the Moon from the Earth should have been higher in the past, because the Moon would have been closer to the Earth. According to such calculations, the Moon would have originally been attached to the Earth approximately 1.4 billion years ago:


(…) but this causes the fact that over a long period of time, the rotation time of the Earth will be the same as the Moon’s rotation time around the Earth. The rotation energy that is thus released from the Earth changes into kinetic energy of the Moon and as a consequence of this, the Moon is drawing away from the Earth by approximately 4.5 centimeters in a year. (1)


The Moon is drawing away from the Earth at a speed of approximately 4.5 centimeters a year. This is caused by tide friction, for example. The friction would have been higher when the Moon has been closer, and so have also been the effects of the tides. We should also note that the speed at which the Moon is drawing away would have been the higher the closer to the Earth the Moon had been revolving, so that “1.4 billions of years ago”, the Moon would have touched the Earth! (2)


Therefore, the figures above indicate that we should question our thoughts about the geological time chart and its five billion years. They cannot be true, because if the Moon had been very close to the Earth or even attached to it (1.4 billion years ago), the entire crust of the Earth could have melted and there would have been problems with life! (The idea about melting of the Earth’s crust was presented in the book Maapallo ja avaruus, p. 47. According to the book, the crust of the Earth could not have remained solid if the Moon had been close enough to the Earth.) From the geological time chart, by which are usually determined periods of the Earth, we should take away at least 3-4 billions years. There is not any other possibility.

   Furthermore, it has been calculated that if the Moon had been only a fifth closer to the Earth than nowadays (the distance of the Moon from the Earth is now 384,000 km. A fifth of this would be approximately 77,000 km), the continents would have been covered by the tide twice a day. This would also have presented a major problem for life. If there had been life on the continents at that time, it could not have survived, because the water would have drowned all the living organisms.


contraction of THE sun


Secondly, it is good to speak about the Sun, because it has a great effect on our lives. It was noted before that life on Earth cannot be eternal, because the second main rule of thermodynamics and the limited existence of the Sun place their own limitations on life. They indicate that there must have been a moment when the Sun began to shine on the Earth and when life began.

   As far as the age of the Sun is concerned, it has often been stated that the Sun is almost five billion years old. It is thought that the Sun was born at that time and began to spread warmth and light into space. It is also believed that the Earth and other solar systems were born around the same time, i.e., approximately 4.5 - 5 billion years ago.

   However, some observations – those regarding contraction of the Sun, for example - do not support the idea of the Sun being ancient. If the contraction speed has been, for example, one centimeter (0.3 inch) each day over a period of five billion years, we would end up with the following figures:


 - If the Sun had contracted one centimeter (0.3 inch) each day for five billion years, it would originally have been 18.25 million kilometers (19,958.4426947 yards) closer to the Earth than now (the distance between the Sun and the Earth is 150 million kilometers (164,041.9947507 yards).


 - If the Sun had contracted 10 centimeters (3.9 inches) each day, the Earth would already be a part of the Sun.


However, the Sun does not contract that slowly; Instead, it contracts by as much as several meters per day. According to the meridian observations of the Greenwich Observatory (Lubkin, G.B. , Analysis of Historical Data Suggest Sun is Shrinking, Physics Today, September 1979, pp. 17–19), the sun’s contraction speed has been approximately 0.1% per century or almost 38 meters (41.5 yards) per day or 13 kilometers a year!

   An article in Science magazine (Tieteen kuvalehti 2 / 1988) addresses the same topic. According to the magazine, if we use astronomical observations made by Jean Picard in the 1600s and that are considered to be very accurate, we will find that the diameter of the Sun back then would have been 4,000 kilometers (2,485.4847689 miles) more than at present. If we divide 4,000 km by 400 years, we also come to a contraction speed of at least 10 kilometers a year.

   Large figures like these indicate that the Earth cannot be millions of years old, let alone billions of years, because the Earth would have been part of the Sun 11 millions years ago, and this would have made life on Earth impossible. If we rely on these observations, we might conclude that the Sun is only a couple of thousand years old, not billions of years old.

   The next quote from a science book (Iain Nicolson and Patriot Moore, Tieteen maailma: aurinkokunta, p. 100, the original work: The Solar System) addresses the same issue. The text refers to the shrinking of the Sun and notes how it does not fit together with the supposed long periods of time:


Based on an analysis of the diameter of the Sun based on daily observed changes from the year 1836 to the year 1954, American astrophysicist John Eddy presented a theory according to which the Sun is shrinking at a surprising speed: 0.1% a century. This phenomenon cannot be invariable, because it would mean that 100,000 years ago, the Sun was double in size compared to the present time and that 100,000 years from now, it will be the size of a pinhead.


Space dust on THE surface of THE moon and THE Earth


When we continue to study the near space and time, we find another indication of how these orbs cannot be very old: the small amount of meteorite dust that comes from space to the surface of the Moon and the Earth. The dust that comes on the surface of these orbs contains a large amount of nickel and iron (the dust contains approximately 300 times more nickel than the soil), so it should be easy to distinguish it from other soil materials. The annual amount of dust falling onto the Earth has been calculated at approximately 14 million tons.

   However, it is a surprise that there are no thick layers of meteorite dust on the surface of the Earth and the Moon. If this nickel-ferrous dust had continued to land on the Moon and the Earth for about 5 billion years, there should be about 50–200 meters (54–218 yards) of it on their surfaces, but nothing of the sort has been found. There is only about 3 millimeters of dust on the surface of the Moon (0.1 inch), not tens of meters. These small amounts are not consistent with long periods of time.

   We can also note the same issue in the following quote. The text reveals that the small amount of space dust was one of the greatest surprises on the journey to the Moon. It was assumed beforehand that the dust would be one of major problems during the journey:


A light wipe with a finger on a glossy surface of a bureau tells how much dust there is. All we know that the quantity of dust acts as some kind of a clock that tells the time that has passed since the last time the bureau was cleaned.

   This “dust clock” gives the right time if we know how much of dust accumulates in average in one day, in a week and so on.

   …Since the middle of the 1960s, the scientists of NASA used all their energy trying to anticipate the conditions on the surface of the Moon. The surface of the Moon is dead. There is no water or wind to move the space dust accumulating there. Researchers who believe in the theory of evolution calculated that there is a layer of space dust 50-200 meters (54–218 yards) thick on the surface of the Moon, and the spacecraft would sink into this layer. This is why large landing feet were constructed for the lunar vehicle, for example. Astronaut Neil Armstrong publicly informed that the amount of space dust will be one of the most difficult problems on the journey to the Moon and it is the issue he fears the most.

   The broadcast all over the world showed what took place when the spacecraft landed on the Moon.

   On 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong set his foot onto the surface of the Moon. His foot touched a hard, solid surface that only had a layer of a couple of centimeters of space dust (0.1 inches).

   The experts proceeded with their calculations. The amount of dust suggested the age of the Moon to be less than 10,000 years (...) (3)


THE Age of THE comets


The orbs that move in the solar system also include comets that revolve around the Sun. They are very long-tailed – the longest measured tail was 320 million km – and sparse phenomena that move along very elliptical tracks around the solar system. Usually, a comet can be observed with the naked eye approximately once every five years, but with a telescope it is possible to see about seven comets a year.

   However, one should note that the comets cannot be ancient, because each time these comets complete one round of their orbit, they lose a part of their mass because of their vicinity to the Sun. It has been calculated that most of the comets – it is known that there were many more of them in the past – crumble into dust in approximately 10,000 years. Comets could not even exist if they were hundreds of thousands or even millions of years old, not to mention billions of years old. Their time of birth must be much nearer the present time:


Every time a comet passes the Sun, it loses a part of its mass. According to some calculations, a comet loses a layer that is one to three meters thick during every round. Therefore, a comet cannot bear more than a couple of thousand rotations before disintegrating. (4)


Regarding the birth of new comets, there is no clear evidence, even though new comets are thought to have been born in an icy place (the so-called Ort Cloud) somewhere outside the solar system, from which they then start to move.

   A reason to doubt the existence of such a place is that there is no proof about it. There are only theories, according to which the universe is millions or billions of years old.

   Even if such a store existed, how could these objects start moving away from there? It is certain that they could not move by themselves; they would remain in place. Only a visiting star could move them, but because the orbits of comets do not extend very far outside the solar system this is impossible, as well.

   The only sensible conclusion is that comets’ movement is impossible if the solar system is really five billion years old. The comets and the solar system must be only some thousands of years old:


Another well-known researcher, Harold Slusher, stated that from the dust part of a comet, researchers can conclude its age to be less than 10,000 years. In examining large dust occurrences and the intensity of the radiation of stars in their range, outside our solar system, they have come to the same conclusion. Space is very young. The composition of space dust and the number of short-lived comets are an excellent clock that gives exact times for researchers. (5) 


Weakening of THE earth' s magnetic field   


Returning to the vicinity of the Earth, one indication of the Earth’s young age is the decisive weakening of its magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field that reaches further than the orbit of the Moon has been observed to lose half of its strength every 1,400 years; in other words, 1,400 years ago the magnetic field of the Earth was twice as powerful as it is now. These observations regarding change in the magnetic field are based on very accurate measurements that have been taken for almost 170 years. An article called Maan magneettikenttä pienenee jatkuvasti (“Magnetic Field of Earth Continuously Decreasing”) in magazine Uusi Suomi on 26 February 1990 states the following:


In the year 1200, the strength of the magnetic field was 1.4 and two hundred years later 0.8. The observations also indicate that the decrease has continued in the past hundred years. (...) The decrease per year has been less than .0001, it has varied between 0.7 and 0.5 (…)


If we draw conclusions from the fast weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field, we get interesting results. If the magnetic field has weakened at the same speed, it means that the strength of the field at various points of time in the past would have been those listed below. These figures indicate that the Earth cannot be hundreds of thousands of years old, not to mention millions or billions of years. They also show that if the Earth had existed only 10,000 years ago, for example, it would have been like a magnetic star, and 50,000 years ago the strength of the magnetic field would have been similar to that of a white dwarf star (Thomas G. Barnes, Origin and Destiny of the Earth’s Magnetic Field, 1973, p. 7 pp. 23; same ”Earth’s Magnetic Field”, The Challenge of Design, The Sixth National Creation Science Conference, Wichita, Kansas, 1978, p.98). These figures set their own limitations to the age of the Earth:


1,400 years  ago - twice compared to now

2,800 years  ago - four times                   

4,200 years  ago - eight times                        

5,600 years  ago - sixteen times                         

7,000 years  ago - thirty-two times                      

14,000 years  ago - 1,024 times

28,000 years  ago - 1,048,576

50,400 years  ago - 68,719,400,000 times


Helium in the atmosphere


The Earth’s magnetic field suggests a short age, as does helium in the atmosphere. Helium enters the atmosphere all the time by means of radioactive disintegration but the problem is that there is only a fraction of the supposed amount of it in the atmosphere (1/2500). The problem becomes even bigger because a part of it can be original or come to the atmosphere from outer space. Therefore, the amount of helium in the atmosphere does not fit with the geological time chart of billions of years:


The first surprise: Examination indicates that helium does not escape into the atmosphere to a great extent. The second surprise: Helium does not rise into the atmosphere but divides evenly into it. Atmospheric researcher Larry Vardiman (the coordinator of the RATE Group) has proved that in the atmosphere, there is only 0.04% of the helium that should be in it if the Earth were billions of years old. Vardiman writes:


If there were no helium when the Earth was formed, the density of helium measured at the present time (…) would have been reached in about two million years. This is over 2,500 times shorter a time than the assumed age of the Earth. The atmospheric physicists who believe in the long age, such as [J.C.G.] Walker, state that “…the amount of helium in the atmosphere seems to be a problem”. [J.W.] Charberlain states that this problem of helium escape “does not seem to disappear but remains unsolved”. (6)


The comment of Vardiman that the helium of the atmosphere ”would have been produced in about 2 million years” does not mean that he believes the Earth to be 2 million years old. He refers to a problem in the time scale of evolution. Two million years is an insignificant time from the viewpoint of evolution. It is approximately the time that it is claimed to take Homo erectus to evolve into Homo sapiens. Vardiman believes that the helium of the atmosphere is almost wholly original – in other words, it was a part of the original creation of the Earth – and very little of it is a result of radioactive disintegration. (7)





Jari Iivanainen











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