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Letter to the representatives of Seta -organization



Letter to the representatives of Seta -organization, that is, how society has changed its attitude toward homosexuality, as predicted in the prophecies


The following letter was sent to the representatives of Seta. It is mainly concerned with children’s well-being and adult choices. I wrote about this topic also in the text titled Gender-neutral marriage and children.


Dear representatives of Seta!


I am a former atheist and evolutionist, but now I believe in Jesus Christ. I also write from this perspective.

When I used to believe that the universe and life came to be on their own and that earth is hundreds of millions of years old, I now consider these beliefs to be nothing but fiction, lies and fairytales. I used to think I was wise to believe in these ideas, but now they seem silly. I only understood these things on a surface level. I have also written about these topics on my webpage. If you wish to read more about evolution, you can find my writings there. Good texts to start with include the following, e.g.:

- When did dinosaurs live?

- Why there hasn’t been evolution of man

- Main focus on imaginary perceptions


In a few of my articles, I have also written about an important topic for you, homosexuality. I myself understand that homosexuality is about an emotional deficiency that arose in childhood and youth. When researching this area, it has been found that the following background factors have been common in the lives of homosexuals (trans stories often contain similar factors). Let's look at men's lives first:


- Rejection from father. Many men have had a more difficult father relationship than usual in their childhood. The father may have been hot-tempered, distant and indifferent, or the son may have lost his father at an early stage.


- Other male persons. The person may have experienced resistance from schoolmates or had brothers who met expectations and were more successful.


- Mother’s influence. A mother who constantly badmouths her husband is detrimental. Similarly, her separating the children from the father, and tying them to her only, has been proven to be a detrimental factor.


- The parents had hoped for a girl instead of a boy and express their disappointment because the wish did not come true.


- Abuse by a person of the same sex is common.


What about female homosexuality? The most important factor seems to be the girl's difficult relationship with her mother or that she has lost her mother in childhood. One study found the following:


The study by Marcel T. Saghiri and Eli Robins (1973) was not based on a patient sample; instead, they recruited their homosexual interviewees through homosexual organisations. They noted that 27% of lesbians and 2% of heterosexual women had lost their mother before the age of 10. The relationship between lesbian women and their mothers had often been broken or was distant or indifferent. However, they had a warm relationship with their father. (1)


A person who has been involved in soul care has pointed in the same direction:


I now understood that emotional emptiness which made Lisa especially sensitive and had caused her to easily drift into a relationship with her lesbian teacher. Lesbian behavior (except when it is a question of a hysterical personality) as a sexual neurosis is not as complicated as homosexual behavior in men. According to my experience, it is generally caused by the need to climb into the mother's lap that was not fulfilled at all or not enough in childhood. (2)


So I understand that homosexuality is about an emotional deficiency that arose in childhood and adolescence. It is a question of natural need to receive acceptance from the same sex – acceptance or friendship, which they have not experienced. There is nothing wrong in this need for acceptance, in my opinion, and it would be great if this need were met with good friendships. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen because we live in an imperfect world.

    However, I also see that the line between right and wrong is crossed at the point when lust kicks in and people enter into sexual relations. In the light of the Bible, sex is right only between a man and a wife, but other sexual relationships—be they heterosexual or homosexual—are wrong. This can be seen, for example, in the following verses:


- (1 Cor 6:9,10) Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?  Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


- (1 Cor 7:1-5) Now concerning the things whereof you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

3 Let the husband render to the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife to the husband.

4 The wife has not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband has not power of his own body, but the wife.

5 Defraud you not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.


I understand of course that you may have an aversion to spiritual things, but perhaps the previous verses are true after all. At least they should be taken into account. I also understand that many have ineptly talked about these things, and I myself do not claim to be better than others. However, I ask that you forgive the shortcoming. I myself am far from perfect and so are many others.

    Instead of people today, I would encourage you to get to know Jesus and read about Him, who certainly loved people. He is the way to communion with God (John 14:6: Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.), to the forgiveness of sins  (Acts 13:38: Be it known to you therefore, men and brothers, that through this man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins) and He is the good shepherd (John 10:11: I am the good shepherd:…). However, he also said that everyone should repent. If we harden ourselves, it will not be good for us:


- (Luke 13:3) … but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.


However, the main reason I am writing to you is human rights. It is well known that Seta and homosexual organizations strive to present themselves as representatives of human rights, but I personally see that this has not been realized in the case of children. These are specifically homosexual relationships, where children are obtained through artificial methods (fertilization treatments, sperm banks, uterus rental) or through temporary heterosexual relationships. The problem in both cases is that the child is left in a situation, where he does not have one of his biological parents at home. A child is made fatherless or motherless just to fulfill the wishes of adults. In this matter, you should pay attention to the following points:


Children's identity problems and longing for an absent parent. If a child is obtained through artificial methods or through short-term heterosexual relationships in a homosexual relationship, the consequence is that the child is missing at least one of his biological parents, father or mother. The child is deliberately deprived of one of the parents and the opportunity to grow up under the care of both biological parents.

    So what are the consequences of adults' freedom and sexual preferences coming before children's basic right, i.e. the opportunity to know their biological parents and grow up in their care?

    There is enough information about this matter, because several abandoned children have openly expressed their longing for an absent parent, father or mother. For example, television programs have often told about how children want to find their biological parent, whom they have not met and who has disappeared from their lives. They have a longing to find their own roots and to meet the biological father or mother who is missing from them.

    The following quotations refer to the subject. They show what kind of identity problems children can have as a result of fertilization treatments. Many children born this way have openly talked about their identity problems and longing to meet their biological father (sperm donor), whom they have never seen.


Katrina Clark was born to a single mother who used artificial insemination and an unknown donor. The mother always told her daughter openly about it, and they had a close and loving relationship. However, as she grew older, the daughter began to struggle with identity issues and began to observe her friends who had both parents. In a column he wrote for the Washington Post at the age of 20, he writes: “That’s when the feeling of emptiness took over. I realized I was in a sense a weirdness. I would never have a father. I finally understood what it means to be a child produced with the help of an anonymous donor, and I hated it. ” (3)


Violating the rights of origin produces serious identity problems, as 22-year-old Narelle Grech, who was born with the help of an external donor, states: "I think it shows ignorance and cruelty that adults create children with the help of external donors, even though they know that these children cannot trace their biological mothers. - - How can anyone take away the freedom to know themselves from another. This has been one of the most dehumanizing experiences of my life. One of the worst feelings is when I look in the mirror every day and I have to question many things. - - One day the world will look at these human experiments with disgust." (Grech; cit. Somerville 2007:184.)

    Heather Barwick writes that her father's absence created a huge gap for her: "Every day I was touched by missing my father. I loved my mother's partner, but another mother couldn't make up for the loss of my father." (4)


Ethics of methods. When children are produced using artificial methods, they are ethically questionable.

    For example, the problem with fertilization treatments is that they produce fertilized ovums, many of which are extra. This leads to their death, so it is an early abortion.

    Womb renting is also problematic because it exploits the poverty of women in developing countries. It is a form of human trafficking where children are bought and sold. Moreover, it, like artificial insemination, causes difficult identity problems to children, as already stated earlier. From the beginning, the child lacks at least one of his/her biological parents at home, with whom he could grow up. The child has to live without his/her other biological parent because of the adults' choices.


Julia Bindel, who is a lesbian feminist and has fought for homosexual rights for years, criticizes the "dark side" of surrogacy: "Its increasing use among homosexuals is not a victory for freedom. On the contrary, the child revolution of homosexuals has led to a disturbing shift towards brutal exploitation of women. These women, often from developing countries, are pressured or sold to rent out their wombs so that rich Westerners can satisfy their selfish desires. This cruelty is accompanied by great hypocrisy. Europeans and Americans who would be horrified by the idea of participating in human or sex trafficking are themselves complicit in the grotesque 'reproductive trade'." (Bindel 2015.)

... According to Edelman (2015: 148-149), the true face of the inhuman practices of womb renting will be revealed in the future: "Here is my prediction. Children, who have been bought and sold and produced to satisfy the whims of adults, will have their voices heard in the future. They place the narrative in a new frame of reference. In the classrooms of the future, footage of Pride parades will be shown, just as we show footage of the Nuremberg rallies today. The teachers explain, 'Yes, people bought and sold women and children.' The children will listen to this with wide eyes in amazement, just like students today when they watch those terrible military parades." (5)


The importance of gender to adults, but what about children? When talking about gender-neutral marriage and children, it is typical that for adults it is seen as an important factor, but not as important to children. It is not seen as important that a child has parents of both genders. Anthony Esolen brings attention to this inconsistency, where adult feelings and desires take on a more important role than children’s feelings:


We cannot say at the same time: 'The sex of the child's parents does not matter', and immediately afterwards say that the sex of an adult bed partner matters so much that there is no way he can adapt his lifestyle to nature. The son does not need a father, because gender does not matter. But his mother needs a 'wife', and there is no way she can be expected to take a man for herself, because in this case, gender matters more than anything else in this world. (6)


What about concepts of love and equality, which often come up in discussions about gender-neutral marriage? Are we dealing with self-sacrificing love, or is it selfishness, because people take away a child’s right to either their mother or father? Robert Oscar Lopez, who grew up in a lesbian home, comments on this kind of rhetoric:


We often hear that same-sex couples have loving homes and that they love children. I am not convinced by this because love means making sacrifices for another person instead of expecting others to make sacrifices for you. If you are homosexual and you love a child, you either sacrifice your homosexuality and raise the child in a home with a mother and a father, or you give up the dream of parenthood and accept that adopted children are given a home with both a mother and a father. If the child is an orphan, a special child or a resident abandoned in a state institution, such a child needs a mother and a father more than anyone else, because he needs stability and normality due to his own trauma. You can't ask a child to sacrifice something as universal as mother and father for you. (7)


I am asking you, dear representatives of the Seta movement, to help children and do real human rights work on their behalf. You are respected in the media, but few speak up for children's rights. I do hope that you will take up the matter and also take into account the human rights of children, i.e. the right to a father and a mother. Otherwise, many may interpret it as Seta is marching only for selfish desires, and the children's status is irrelevant.



Jari Iivanainen






Dear members of Seta! I will conclude with a prophecy that also relates to you and your actions, and which dates back 43 years. It is from David Wilkerson's well-known book The Vision. Decades ago, this book predicted the current trend, i.e. how homosexual behavior will gain acceptance in society and the Church. In this sense, your hopes and goals will come true. These things seemed very distant in 1973, but now they are beginning to be a reality. Next, then, until 1973, when David Wilkerson had his vision of what was going to happen.


I see this super-church - in a disguise of "understanding" - accepting homosexuals and lesbians as members. Leaders of the church defend gay and lesbian love, not only welcoming it but also encouraging people to practice it.

    Gay and lesbian priests are being ordained and given positions of influence in this church union, and are being hailed as new pioneers who present new concepts of love and the gospel.

    I see gay and lesbian churches coming to nearly every large city in the United States and elsewhere in the world also, and they only take care of their own spiritual needs and also receive total recognition and support from organized religion. The curriculum includes Sunday School and Church literature that presents children and teens that homosexuality is a normal and acceptable form of Christian sexual life.

    The saddest thing of all is that I see the day coming when homosexuals will no longer look to the church for help. Instead, the super-church defends and admires them for their courage and for wanting to be different. This super church conforms to the weaknesses of the human flesh and sets out to encourage humanity in its sin. Old-fashioned preachers condemning sin are being blamed for the guilt complex, because they say directly what they think about the actions of people who should be getting help and advice. People are educated through new doctrines to live with their problems and to even enjoy their weaknesses as the “gifts of God”.


There are two forces that prevent gays from dedicating themselves completely to their sin: society does not accept them and the church's teachings are against them. But these barriers will disappear, when society no longer resists their sin and deems it abnormal, but on the contrary encourages them to continue, and when the church no longer preaches about their sin, but supports them in their sexual activities. The floodgates will open, and the gays will be encouraged to continue in their sin. I have seen in my vision that these two obstacles will be wiped away and when they are taken away, chaos will follow.

   Believe me, when I tell you that it is not so far away that you will read in the newspaper how innocent children have been attacked by wild homosexual gangs in parks and on the streets of the city. Mass rapes will come, just as predicted in the Gospels. I see them coming during our generation... You can expect several homosexual scandals in highly authoritative places. The community of homosexuals becomes so belligerent and arrogant that they very soon flaunt their sin on TV shows. 







1. Ari Puonti: Homoseksuaalisuus – hämmennyksestä selkeyteen, p. 101

2. Leanne Payne: Särkynyt minäkuva, p.30

3. Tapio Puolimatka: Yhteiskuntakoe lapsilla?, p. 109

4 Tapio Puolimatka: Jälkikristillisen maailman kauhut, p. 95

5 Tapio Puolimatka: Jälkikristillisen maailman kauhut, p. 100

6. Anthony Esolen: Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity (2014), Charlotte, NC: Saint Benedict Press, p. 149

7. Robert Oscar Lopez, p. 114



More on this topic:

Gender-neutral marriage and children, ie how children's human rights are trampled on when they are denied the right to their biological parents - using as a reason human rights and equality of adults

Homosexuality and being freed from it. What causes homosexuality, its underlying factors and can one get rid of it?

Homosexuality, church and society. Today, homosexuality is not considered a sin and a lust. It is justified in the name of love and equality. Development in society affects also churches

Sexuality, love, equality. Sexuality, love and equality - is all sexual behavior right?

Read how the false teaching about sexuality that the Sexpo Foundation promotes increases the suffering of children in particular. 












Jesus is the way, the truth and the life





Grap to eternal life!


More on this topic:

Gender-neutral marriage and children, ie how children's human rights are trampled on when they are denied the right to their biological parents - using as a reason human rights and equality of adults

Homosexuality and being freed from it. What causes homosexuality, its underlying factors and can one get rid of it?

Homosexuality, church and society. Today, homosexuality is not considered a sin and a lust. It is justified in the name of love and equality. Development in society affects also churches

Sexuality, love, equality. Sexuality, love and equality - is all sexual behavior right?

Read how the false teaching about sexuality that the Sexpo Foundation promotes increases the suffering of children in particular.